Wednesday, October 19, 2005

the many varieties of apples

Apples can range in color from red to green.—My roommate brought home apples, “compliments of the Lyric Opera." He went on to say, “these apples were part of a photo-shoot. These apples were given to opera customers.”
These apples were green—like money. How nice.
A bank teller and a young woman get on the El; they face each other, standing. They talk, quietly. He is wearing a ring. She is not. Her two cold cheeks are like pink crab apples. His are red with passion.
A homeless man watches, excitedly. He is happy, because he is eating an apple. This apple is red and yellow. Red and yellow is the color of a house on fire.
I only eat Gala apples in the summer. How nice.

1 comment:

"ME" Liz Strauss said...

What a fresh approach to descriptive writing. I really like it. I like how your mind thinks. You should work with that piece a little to see what it might turn into. It's a wonderful post, but it also has so many possibilities.
