Friday, October 14, 2005

Hunger-part I: What I have in the 'Fridge

I have three eggs, three slices of bread, two (almost bad) celery stalks, a little bit of turkey (half sandwich's worth) and two slices of Swiss cheese. Also, one half glass of milk, two small leafs of romaine, and some very bad Smuckers natural peanut butter, (bought the creamy stuff on accident. ) "Bad boy, Bad boy . . . always get the Chunky peanut butter." Any suggestion on how to make this last the week?

I've been in Chicago for two weeks now. I love the city; it's vibrant and the people seem to be friendly. This blog will deal with random food fantasy. Possible meal ideas. Mainly my writings, which may involve food depravation on a daily basis. Certainly, there will be some hunger.

I have a play out for consideration at a local theatre. They need my $5 processing fee, but hopefully they can wait till the end of the month when I get paid. A fiver will buy me a pack of bologna, at minimum. Basically, it's poetry.

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