Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hunger-part II: Breakfast with Dostoevsky

"Love and eggs are best when they are fresh."
~Russian proverb

Speaking of eggs: I had one cage-free, (vegetarian fed), over medium, a half piece of whole grain wheat bread and one piece of turkey bacon--Reading Notes from Underground; The Double (Penguin Classics) for my next play--I’m heading out to the library to get more books. Remember, I’m poor and can’t afford to even choose between the used bookstore and food anymore. Now, I get to use loans from the government . . . kind of like a good socialist system. Books on loan. Brilliant. Once a long time ago I could buy my books, so that I could build a library; however, since moving to Chicago I sold my car and all of the books, save a few reference, and now I’m free of owning anything. Just pay for the roof over head, food, and my good Jesuit education. Now, if said government can feed, house, and allow me a free education and health care –well, that would be utopia right? No, it would be the Netherlands.

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